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2024-06-07 06:01:09
导读 大家好,小东方来为大家解答以上的问题。slope函数,slope这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、slope[slEup]n.斜坡, 斜面, 倾...


1、slope[slEup]n.斜坡, 斜面, 倾斜v.(使)顺斜slopeslopeAHD:[sl½p] D.J.[sl*&p]K.K.[slop]v.(动词)sloped,***.ing,slopes ***.intr.(不及物动词)To diverge from the vertical or horizontal; incline:倾斜:偏离垂直或水平的方向;倾斜:a roof that ***.see Synonyms at slant 倾斜的屋顶参见 slantTo move on a slant; ascend or descend:下滑:在斜面上移动;上升或下降:sloped down the trail.走下小路v.tr.(及物动词)To cause to slope:使倾斜:sloped the path down the bank.使道路沿河岸倾斜n.(名词)An inclined line, surface, plane, position, or direction.倾斜的线、表面、平面、位置或方向A stretch of ground forming a natural or artificial incline:斜坡:一块构成天然或人工的斜坡的土地:ski slopes.滑雪斜坡A deviation from the horizontal.倾斜:从水平方向偏离The amount or degree of such deviation.斜度。

2、坡度:这种偏离的数量或程度Mathematics 【数学】 The rate at which an ordinate of a point of a line on a coordinate plane changes with respect to a change in the abscissa.斜率:坐标平面上一条直线上一个点的纵座标随横座标的变化而变化的比率The tangent of the angle of inclination of a line, or the slope of the tangent line for a curve or surface.斜率:一条直线的倾斜角的正切或一条弧线或一个平面的正切线的斜率Offensive Slang Used as a disparaging term for an Asian person.【无礼用语】 【俚语】 用作对亚洲人的蔑称Probably from Middle English aslope [sloping] 可能源自 中古英语 aslope [倾斜的] slop“ern.(名词)slop“inglyadv.(副词)。

