1、活该的英文:serve sb. right
2、参考例句:He's got beaten up? He should have it coming on him for the way he often ill-treats others.他挨揍真是活该!谁让他老期负别人。`I got soaked in the rain.'`It serves you right I told you to take an umbrella.'`我让雨浇坏了.'`活该--我早就告诉你得带雨伞.'He richly deserves a thrashing.他挨揍活该。Oh, blast!哦,真是活该!Ha - ha! The manager fell down. Cannot have happened to a nicer guy!哈哈!经理跌倒了活该!大快人心"She should have it coming on her, for she's been too conceited"那才活该呢!谁让她总是那么趾高气扬的After all you've eaten. It'll serve you right if you feel iii.不管怎么说你已经吃了,要是得了病也活该。They told me how Mr. Gladstone read homer for fun, which I though serve him right.人家告诉我,格莱斯顿先生如何为消遣而读荷马,我认为他活该如此。"Well, burgess deserves it--he will never get another congregation here"可伯杰斯遭人恨是活该呀--在这块地方,他再也别想有人听他布道了。It serves you right if he did make you eat the leek in public;you should not be so boastful.如果他真地要你当众收回海口,那你也是活该;你本不该那样自吹自擂。serve是什么意思:v. 为...服务;供应;任(职);服役n. 发球(权)to serve the landlord为地主干活Persons serving on the Appellate Body shall serve in rotation.上诉机构人员任职应实行轮换。They drafted him to serve as their delegate.他们选派他作他们的代表。Dinner was announced, and served.已宣布开饭了,菜都上齐了。Catharine served an ace. 凯瑟琳发球得分。 到小D查看活该的英文翻译>>
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